AN UPDATE ON WORK for monster girl, and new artists to help!

HI ALL sorry for being slow!! uni work took up alot of my time, but was able to slowly trodge along to get some more work done for this! not much but more to come

firstly was bsuy leanring more gdscript, whil i primarily use c# for coding i will have to use gd for some things as alot of plugins and tutorials use it, but if i can i will use c#, in this case i need to learn it to solve AREA3D and RAYCAST collisions, got something that works :D mostly...

ALSO later on gonna do some texture work and do some more dungeon design, gonna slap togethor a small dungeon adventure at some point to test and will be released to play (may or may not be related to THIS game)

ALSO ANOTHER ARTIST (3 now) wanted to help! now i havent gotten the kicksarter money so waiting for that to go through, BUT he ewas willing to do the work anyways until i can pay them, i also allowed them to have there own mosnter girl added in as it was only fair they be helping ANYHOWS heres a sneek peek at some of his stuff~ he has given approval to show these

TheMessyRoomGuy/ TheRealMessyRoomGuy1@DeviantArt       his credentials for those who wanna know

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