test build 4, performance build

OK, so i finally hyper optimized the hell out of this game, hopefully it should work even on a potato, combined with a different style and atmosphere, feels more authentic? like a 3d version of a game boy ya know? note if u have small stutter good chance it could be shader compliation,

I havent made a preload, but cause how simple this game is there is little chance of it happening, if it does just walk around for a bit then when your backtracking it should be smooth And lastly this will be my final update for a while, the next one will have a lot more of the game features and mechanics,
as these test were to see if it would even run on your pcs, the map in particular is meant to be the most stressing point of the game so if your system can run that it can run the whole game.  

anyways https://zombiesl8yer38.itch.io/monster-girl-catcher here ya lot go, let me know if you have a weak system and if it runs past 30fps.


mgc build 4 performance focus.zip 61 MB
51 days ago

Get Monster girl catcher

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