a small thing about test build 3

-about test build 3, this has collisions, an npc that mostly works with some more of the map being done (not as much as i hoped mainly due to a fuckup on my end where i had to remake the walls again...), some tweaks to meshes and a change to style and look, the floor fog has been removed mainly due to me adding different "floor" ill try and find an alternative to that, combined with some smaller changes to colour

-BUT when u play it, and if it does well and u have a weak system, can you please tell me your CPU, GPU and total ram (ram type doesnt matter but does help) so i can guage its compatibility better so far (also how much there being used, perticularly the cpu and gpu), if it doesnt work or it stuttery or runs slow (ignoring it of course compiling shaders as most games do) then the same and tell me how bad its running with average fps.

-AND if u have a strong GPU, please let me know if the game is fully utilizing it or not as with my 2060 super it doesn't seem to be doing using it correctly, which is annoying.


testbuild3.zip 61 MB
41 days ago

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